Wednesday, 6 June 2012

When 2 cents worth adds up to 20 dollars worth

I have found that a lot of people don’t have a filter when it comes to things they say to a pregnant woman. It’s like once you’re pregnant it gives everyone free reign to tell you exactly what they think whether that’s good bad or otherwise. Yes, because us pregnant ladies don’t have feelings that are easily hurt… Offend away douche bag! And the funny thing is, if you ever retaliate with a less then impressed comment all of a sudden you become a devil woman possessed by pregnancy hormones. Yes, the hormones made me cranky, not your incredibly inappropriate comment.

You will get bombarded with people’s horror stories from their next door neighbour’s cousin’s wife’s labour, ‘helpful’ advice, what you definitely shouldn’t do, what you absolutely must do… the list goes on. It starts as soon as people find out you’re pregnant and it only gets worse as time goes on, especially when you become visibly pregnant & then strangers join in on the fun. Oh the joy. 

Then of course you get the sticky beak people who never normally even acknowledge you who want to know all the nitty gritty details… when are you due? (not soon enough) Do you know what you are you having? (A baby I presume) Have you been sick? (would you like me to vomit on your shoes?) Are you going to breastfeed? (pretty sure I don’t want to discuss my boobs & what function they’ll be performing with someone who probably can’t remember my name) Are you going to have a natural labour, drugs? (you have about 2.3 seconds before I lose my shit with you).

For some reason everyone wants to talk to you when you’re pregnant, and only about being pregnant & baby stuff. Because once you’re pregnant, that is the only thing that interests you. You don’t have a life or any interests outside being pregnant and having your baby anymore. I’ve gotten very good at ‘Mmmhmm- ing’ and giving one word answers to probing questions from people who I know are just being nosey.  I’ve gotten to the stage where I’m willing people to just not talk to me at all. I don’t have the energy for the politeness that it requires. You might have more guts then me and actually be able to say all the things that are running through your head to the offending person. And if you do, good for you. On behalf of pregnant women everywhere, I applaud you. I’m sure that one day I’ll have a dangerous combination of hormones & a lack of sleep and some poor person will cop every smart arse answer I’ve been bottling up from everyone else. So in advance, I apologise. Well I feel like I should apologise anyway, I can’t guarantee that I mean it wholeheartedly…   

Everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should/shouldn’t be eating, drinking, doing or not doing. I had a person who was absolutely horrified that I was at the gym while ‘in my condition’. According to them I should be at home with my feet up eating whatever I want & doing as little as possible. Great way to gain an extra 20 unwanted kilos, just what I want! I don’t know how many times I’ve told people that I’m pregnant, not dying. I mean sure, if you want to use pregnancy as the perfect excuse to be lazy & eat lots go ahead. But it’s not actually an essential part of being pregnant.

Now, I am not by any means a big girl. And at 29 weeks pregnant I can still fit into my size 9 skinny jeans (yes, I am proud of that, but no I cannot do them up). But, when I was about 16 weeks pregnant I had someone tell me I didn’t look pregnant, just ‘podgy’. Gee, thanks. I had someone else tell me I was looking ‘plump’. No really, thank you SO much.

I am still baffled as to what makes people think it’s ok to tell a woman she looks fat/large etc when she’s pregnant. You wouldn’t say it to a non-pregnant woman, why on earth say it to one who has a damn good reason for the extra 10kgs she’s toting around? Because you know, we just love to be reminded of all that extra weight we’re carrying that we can’t do anything about losing just yet. So, just for the record, terms like podgy, plump, wide, large, huge and chubby all make the ‘call-me-that-again-and-I’ll-punch-you’ list. Just so you know. Oh, and your fat pregnant lady ‘jokes’ aren’t funny. Neither is giving us a wide berth in the hallway because you’re alluding to the fact we need so much more room to pass around you because we’re so ‘huge’. And telling us at morning teas that we’ve already ‘had enough’ to eat, yep not funny either.

Once your bump is more visible & formed the range of opinions is amazing. Nobody seems to keep their opinion to themselves either. One day, in the space of about 20 minutes I was told by one person that I was huge, and then that I was tiny by someone else. I also had someone once change their opinion within the 1 conversation. ‘Oh you’re sooo big, how far along are you?‘27 weeks’ ‘Oh, you’re so little’. Want to make your mind up there sunshine? Everyone seems to have an opinion as to how big they think you should be at a certain stage of pregnancy, or where you are ‘carrying’ your baby. Which of course then leads to people telling you that you’re definitely having a boy/girl because your belly is sitting at a 35.7 degree angle from your spine with a radius of 72.1 cms. Thanks for that, I didn’t realise you had x-ray vision and could see through my belly to the gender of my baby.. Then you’ll have people telling you how big or small your baby is judging by the size of your belly. Oh you’re so clever, I didn’t realise you had x-ray vision and have the ability to weigh my unborn baby with your eyes… You’re amazing.

People like to tell you every time your belly has ‘popped’ too. Oh gee thanks for that! I really hadn’t noticed the rapidly expanding bowling ball suddenly attached to the front of me. I wondered why my jeans wouldn’t do up anymore.. And when you have 20 people in one day tell you this, it gets very old very quickly. I still can’t believe how amazed people are that my belly keeps growing. Incredible, pregnant woman’s belly keeps growing! Pretty sure there’s no shocking news worthy stories there. FYI, pregnant bellies continue to grow until the baby is born. Just in case you missed that one. 

I’ve noticed that people like to make you feel bad for worrying about ‘trivial’ little things that they don’t deem important. Belly rings for example. For some reason keeping mine in is important to me, I guess it’s almost like a reminder of the ‘old’ me or something. But I had people tell me that I shouldn’t worry about stupid things like that when I have something so much more important to focus on. I also had people tell me I was silly to prefer a boy first and that a healthy baby should be the only thing that matters. I think it goes without saying that you want your baby to be healthy above everything else, but it’s also ok to prefer or want a boy or girl first or to want to keep your belly ring in or not get stretch marks. It doesn’t mean you’re going to want or love your baby any less and it definitely does not make you a terrible mother. If it’s important to you, then it’s important. Don’t let people make you feel bad for it.

So basically, when you’re pregnant you’ll most likely end up with a strong dislike for most people who open their mouths in your direction. If you’re not pregnant, think very carefully about what you’re about to say to that pregnant woman you pass in the hallway. It could be the final straw that breaks the hormonal woman’s self control...

1 comment:

  1. Love the bit about pregnant bellies continuing to grow until the baby is born..... ha ha ha
